May issue
Postal history of modern Kenya
Since independence from Britain in 1963, Kenya has continued to generate exotic stamps and quirky covers, especially while the old KUT issues remained in use
Italian exclave of Campione d’Italia
Cut off from the rest of Italy by Alpine topography, and by Switzerland, this little community improvised its postal arrangements and even produced its own stamps
Commonwealth Classics
Malta’s 1926 definitive series, and its high-value tributes to St Paul and St Publius
Early Elizabethans
How the Post Office made a song and dance about the 1965 Commonwealth Arts Festival
Talking Point
Some philatelic concepts are more successful than others. What went wrong with Smilers and Post & Go?
World News
Virtual Stampex prepares to go live again, while Denmark scraps its universal service obligation
Strange But True
The died-in-the-wool communist stamps which inadvertently got capitalist juices running