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Julia Lee  |  Mar 13, 2013  |  0 comments

Doctor Who, the world’s longest-running science-fiction television series, marks its 50th birthday this year, and Royal Mail is issuing stamps on March 26, four days before an Easter special is broadcast.

A set of 11 sheet stamps illustrates all the actors who have played the Doctor over the years, each with the backdrop used in the title sequence in his period.

The earliest two are in black and white, as broadcast.

Mark SBD  |  Sep 18, 2017  |  0 comments

Educational Reading For Generations Of Kids On September 14 Royal Mail will issue a set of eight stamps celebrating Ladybird books, which have had a huge influence on generations of British children.

The Loughborough-based stationery firm Wills & Hepworth registered the Ladybird name in 1915, and published the first of its small-format children’s books bearing the Ladybird logo in 1940.

With wartime paper rationing in force, it concocted a format in which a 56-page book could be printed from a single sheet of paper.

Guy Thomas  |  Sep 03, 2019  |  0 comments

Royal Mail issued a set of eight stamps and a miniature sheet on September 3 to celebrate one of Britain’s best-loved and most successful musicians, Elton John.

The honour comes on the 50th anniversary of the 72-year-old singer-songwriter’s first album, during what is said to be his final tour (a three-year extravaganza featuring more than 300 concerts), and six weeks before the publication of his autobiography,Me.

A global superstar, known for his outlandish stage outfits, Elton John is one of the biggest-selling recording artists of all time.

Guy Thomas  |  May 15, 2020  |  0 comments

A set of eight stamps and a miniature sheet, released on May 8, marks the 75th anniversary of the End of the Second World War.

Royal Mail says the issue is built on three concepts: celebration, homecoming and remembrance.

The eight counter-sheet stamps capture the sense of relief and celebration shared by service personnel and civilians after six long years of conflict.

Julia Lee  |  Dec 02, 2010  |  0 comments

Gerry Anderson’s very popular 'supermarination' television programmes from the 1960s are saluted by Royal Mail’s first stamp issue of 2011, to be issued on January 11.

FAB: The Genius Of Gerry Anderson marks the 50th anniversary of six ground-breaking series, which began with Supercar in 1961.

Fittingly, the issue also features the first ‘moving’ pictures on British stamps, by virtue of lenticular images incorporated into a miniature sheet devoted to the best-loved show of all, Thunderbirds.

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Jan 11, 2023  |  0 comments
Publication date 12/1/2023

The February issue of Stamp Magazine, published on January 12, includes...

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Jan 09, 2024  |  0 comments
Publication date 11/1/2024

The February issue of Stamp Magazine, published on January 11, includes...

Guy Thomas  |  Sep 06, 2018  |  0 comments

Royal Mail concludes its poignant five-year series commemorating the centenary of the Great War on September 13, with the First World War 1918 set.

Like each of the preceding issues, it focuses on one year of the world-changing conflict, with one stamp exploring each of six themes: poppies, poetry, portraits, art, memorials and artefacts.

They concentrate less on how the war changed the course of history, and more on its impact on individual lives, millions of which were ended or transformed.

Guy Thomas  |  Jun 21, 2016  |  0 comments

The third issue in Royal Mail’s series commemorating the First World War, issued on June 21, focuses on the year 1916, with another eclectic and poignant selection of images.

As in the first two issues, the year is explored though a stamp covering each of six key themes: poppies, poetry, portraits, art, memorials and artefacts.

This year there is an additional miniature sheet, specifically devoted to the impact of the war on postal services.

Guy Thomas  |  May 14, 2015  |  0 comments

The second issue in Royal Mail’s five-year First World War commemorative series, issued on May 14, focuses on the year 1915, with more poignant images hailing the stoic bravery of fighting men.

It follows the template set in the first issue, by exploring each year of the conflict though six key themes: poppies, poetry, portraits, art, memorials and artefacts.

Designed by Hat-Trick, the stamps are printed in litho by International Security Printers.

Guy Thomas  |  Aug 13, 2019  |  0 comments

On August 13 Royal Mail will issue a set of six stamps entitled Forests, to mark the 100th anniversary of the Forestry Commission.

The Forestry Commission, a non-ministerial government department, was established in 1919 to manage and replenish the UK’s timber resources, which had been severely depleted during World War I.

It bought so much former agricultural land that it became the largest landowner in Britain.

Guy Thomas  |  Jan 09, 2018  |  0 comments

Royal Mail will issue a set of 15 stamps on January 23 featuring the popular television fantasy series Game Of Thrones.

It said the 10 gummed sheet stamps and five-stamp self-adhesive miniature sheet were produced ‘to celebrate the significant British contribution to the production of the award-winning drama series’.

Commissioned by the American television network HBO, co-created by the American producers David Benioff and Daniel Weiss, and based on novels by the American author George R R Martin, Game Of Thrones has been filmed to a large extent at Titanic Studios inBelfast, and partly on location elsewhere in Northern Ireland, in Scotland and in other European countries.

Julia Lee  |  Nov 07, 2011  |  0 comments

This year’s Christmas stamps, issued on November 8, feature illustrated scenes inspired by the Nativity, and specifically illustrating verses from the gospels of Matthew and Luke.

The stamps were designed by Together Design, from paintings by Peter Malone, and printed in gravure by De La Rue.

The sheet stamps are self-adhesive, but, as in every Christmas issue since 2004, the same designs also come in gummed format in the accompanying miniature sheet.

Julia Lee  |  May 08, 2013  |  0 comments

Royal Mail is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Football Association and the 140th anniversary of the Scottish Football Association with its Football Heroes miniature sheet, issued on May 9.

Eleven 1st class stamps portrayindividual British footballers who stood out in their generation, not least in representing their respective countries.

The designs form a composite image, and the miniature sheet places them all together in a team line-up.

Julia Lee  |  Sep 07, 2011  |  0 comments

The penultimate issue in the Kings & Queens series, which has been running since 2008, features the House of Hanover on September 15.

The Hanoverians were rulers of the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg in what is now Germany, and were prince-electors in the Holy Roman Empire.

They came to the British throne as the closest Protestant relatives of Queen Anne, with Catholics having been banned from inheriting.
