Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Apr 10, 2023  |  0 comments
Publication date 13/4/23

The May issue of Stamp Magazine, published on April 13, includes...

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Apr 06, 2023  |  0 comments
Closing date 11/5/2023

We have a presentation pack of the Flying Scotsman stamp issue to give away to each of 12 lucky winners, courtesy of Royal Mail.

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Apr 03, 2023  |  0 comments
Issue date 4/4/2023

The new King Charles III definitives, issued on April 4, amount to five different values and five retail booklets.

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Mar 22, 2023  |  0 comments
Issue date 23/3/2023

Royal Mail’s set of 10 stamps celebrating Flowers, released on March 23, is the first special issue carrying the new cameo portrait of King Charles III.

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Mar 10, 2023  |  0 comments
Issue date 9/3/2023
A set of stamps issued on March 9 celebrate the Centenary of the Flying Scotsman, the steam locomotive considered a historic treasure of British engineering.
Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Mar 07, 2023  |  0 comments
Publication date 9/3/2023

The April issue of Stamp Magazine, published on March 9, includes...

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Mar 03, 2023  |  0 comments
Closing date 13/4/2023

We have a presentation pack of the X-Men stamp issue to give away to each of 12 lucky winners, courtesy of Royal Mail.

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Feb 14, 2023  |  0 comments
Issue date 16/2/2023

Royal Mail’s latest franchising deal with the American publishers Marvel Comics has produced a set of 17 stamps devoted to the X-Men, issued on February 16.

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Feb 08, 2023  |  0 comments
Publication date 9/2/2023

The March issue of Stamp Magazine, published on February 9, includes...

Stamp Magazine Staff  |  Feb 01, 2023  |  0 comments
Closing date 9/3/2023

We have a presentation pack of the Iron Maiden stamp issue to give away to each of 12 lucky winners, courtesy of Royal Mail.
